Photo Credit: McIntosh Multimedia

A Message from Freda

Crafting and journaling have always been some of my favorite things. There’s something both calming and rewarding about expressing myself in written form and creating things with my hands. Over the years, as is the case for so many women, the challenges of being a wife, mother, and career woman often made it difficult for me to make time to do those things that brought me joy, like crafting and journaling.

The past few years caring for my aging parents have presented me with many reminders of the importance of self-care and being intentional about making time to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. In my journey to rediscover what I love, I’ve come to realize that it’s the simple things that make me the happiest - time spent with family and friends, sunlight and fresh air, trips to the beach, reading, and crafting.

This site enables me to share my passion for crafting and journaling with you! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed creating it and the products featured within it. 

P.S. Be intentional about making time to take care of yourself today. Do something that makes you happy today. You’re worth it, my friend.

Freda : )